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Travel verb (used without object), trav·eled, trav·el·ing or(especially British) trav·elled, trav·el·ling.

to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship; take a trip; journey: to travel for pleasure.

to move or go from one place or point to another.

to proceed or advance in any way.

to go from place to place as a representative of a business firm.

to associate or consort: He travels in a wealthy crowd.

to pass, or be transmitted, as light or sound.

Basketball. (of a player in possession of the ball) to take more than two steps without dribbling or passing the ball.

to move in a fixed course, as a piece of mechanism.

verb (used with object), trav·eled, trav·el·ing or(especially British) trav·elled, trav·el·ling.

to travel, journey, or pass through or over, as a country or road.

to journey or traverse (a specified distance): We traveled a hundred miles.

to cause to journey; ship: to travel logs downriver.

the act of traveling; journeying, especially to distant places: to travel to other planets.

travels, journeys; wanderings: to set out on one’s travels. journeys as the subject of a written account or literary work: a book of travels. such an account or work.

the coming and going of persons or conveyances along a way of passage; traffic: an increase in travel on state roads.

Basketball. an instance of traveling with the ball.

Machinery. the complete movement of a moving part, especially a reciprocating part, in one direction, or the distance traversed; stroke. length of stroke.

movement or passage in general: to reduce the travel of food from kitchen to table.

used or designed for use while traveling: a travel alarm clock.


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What does “dignity” mean?Origin of travel

Middle English(Northern and Scots), originally the same word as travail(by semantic change from “to toil, labor,” then “to make a laborious journey,” then “to journey,” a change that did not occur in Frenchand other Romance languages). The spelling travel is due to a shift in accent in the 14th century; verb senses were first recorded in 1250–1300;noun senses were first recorded in 1400–50usage note for travel

The wordtravelhas come to exemplify a common spelling quandary: to double or not to double the final consonant of a verb before adding the ending that forms the past tense ( –ed ) or the ending that forms the present-participle ( –ing. ) We see it done both ways—sometimes with the same word ( travel, traveled, traveling; travel, travelled, travelling ). As readers, we accept these variations without even thinking about them. But as writers, we need to know just when we should double that final consonant and when we should not. Because American practice differs slightly from British practice, there is no one answer. But there are well-established conventions. In American writing, when you have a one-syllable verb that ends with a single vowel followed by a single consonant, and you want to add a regular inflectional ending that begins with a vowel, you double that final consonant before adding-edor-ing :stop, stopped, stopping; flag, flagged, flagging.This principle also holds for verbs of more than one syllable if the final syllable is stressed:permit, permitted, permitting; refer, referred, referring.If that syllable is not stressed, there is no doubling of the final consonant:gallop, galloped, galloping; travel, traveled, traveling. British spelling conventions are similar. They deviate from American practices only when the verb ends with a single vowel followed by anl . In that case, no matter the stress pattern, the finallgets doubled. Thus British writing hasrepel, repelled, repelling(as would American writing, since the final syllable is stressed). But it also hastravel, travelled, travellingandcancel, cancelled, cancelling,since in the context of British writing the verb’s finall,not its stress pattern, is the determining factor. Verbs ending in other consonants have the same doubling patterns that they would have in American writing. An outlier on both sides of the Atlantic is the small group of verbs ending in-icand one lonely-acverb. They require an addedkbefore inflectional endings in order to retain the appropriate “hard” sound of the letterc :panic, panicked, panicking; frolic, frolicked, frolicking; shellac, shellacked, shellacking.Canadians, of course, are free to use either British or American spellings.OTHER WORDS FROM travel

trav·el·a·ble, adjectivenon·trav·el·ing, adjectivenon·trav·el·ling, adjectiveouttravel, verb (used with object), out·trav·eled, out·trav·el·ing or(especially British) out·trav·elled, out·trav·el·ling.

pre·trav·el, noun, verb, pre·trav·eled, pre·trav·el·ing or(especially British) pre·trav·elled, pre·trav·el·ling.un·trav·el·ing, adjectiveun·trav·el·ling, adjectiveWords nearby travel

traumatopnea, trav., travail, Travancore, trave, travel, travel agency, travel agent, travelator, traveled, traveler UnabridgedBased on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022How to use travel in a sentence

López said she could not travel to Mexico because she is undocumented.

Sound waves traveling thousands of kilometers through the ocean may help scientists monitor climate change.

Biden traveled to the state days later, meeting with the Blake family and calling for unity and healing in the community, though he, too, denounced the violence that followed the shooting.

TripActions says it has added nearly 500 new corporate customers since March, a surprising achievement at a time when most employees are still not traveling freely.

The Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, which was first identified in China in December, has had sweeping effects in the public health, business, and travel sectors, among others.

You just travel light with carry-on luggage, go to cities that you love, and get to hang out with all your friends.

He did travel to China and Australia while the story was unfolding.

In doing so he exposed the failure of other airlines in the region to see the huge pent-up demand for cheap travel.

“The tribe is really made of people who put travel as a priority in their entire lifestyle,” says Evita.

Brands like Lo & Sons and Delsey are already tapping Travel Noire to connect with black travelers.

One thing was certain: Grandfather Mole could travel much faster through the water than he could underground.

The mothers know better than any one else how hard a way the little girl will have to travel through life.

He could lie in bed and string himself tales of travel and adventure while Harry was downstairs.

Under ordinary circumstances these men can travel with their burden from twenty to thirty miles a day.

The rules regulating travel on highways in this country are called, “the law of the road.”British Dictionary definitions for travel

verb -els, -elling or -elled or US -els, -eling or -eled (mainly intr)

to go, move, or journey from one place to anotherhe travels to improve his mind; she travelled across France

(tr) to go, move, or journey through or across (an area, region, etc)he travelled the country

to go, move, or cover a specified or unspecified distance

to go from place to place as a salesmanto travel in textiles

(esp of perishable goods) to withstand a journey

(of light, sound, etc) to be transmitted or movethe sound travelled for miles

basketball to take an excessive number of steps while holding the ball

(of part of a mechanism) to move in a fixed predetermined path

informal to move rapidlythat car certainly travels

(often foll by with) informal to be in the company (of); associate

noun the act of travelling (as modifier)a travel brochure Related adjective: itinerant

(usually plural) a tour or journey

the distance moved by a mechanical part, such as the stroke of a piston

movement or passageWord Origin for travel

C14 travaillen to make a journey, from Old French travaillier to travail

Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollinsPublishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012